Bringing integrity back to civic engagement.

“Whenever you do a thing, act as if all the world was watching.” Thomas Jefferson

At Firmly Planted Action, we’re committed to reviving a culture of passionate, informed civic engagement.

Our culture is in desperate need to see a return of the citizen statesman—men and women who want to see their communities, states and country represented the way our founding fathers envisioned it: with integrity and honor.

Firmly Planted Action will work to explain proposed legislation, initiatives, and referendums and examine candidates so that the public will be able to make a truly informed choice on election day.

As we grow, we plan to offer candidate training, classes in Constitutional literacy, plain language regarding proposed legislation and an easy-to-understand breakdown of current issues and how citizens can affect the change they want to see in their communities.

Candidate Forums and Debates

Firmly Planted Action will host a series of events aimed at giving the public a chance to hear the positions of candidates ranging from local to federal elections. Some of these will be in classic “debate” format, while others will be more informal.

Attendees and candidates must agree to abide by a code of conduct before the event begins.


President, Heidi St. John

Vice President, Dawn Seaver

Treasurer, Debbie Royko

Secretary, Bonnie Ruiz

Board Member, Rey Reynolds

Board Member, Sam Sanden

Board Member, Sharnessa Sanden

Board Member, Melissa Crabtree

“And work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare.”

Jeremiah 29:7 (NLT)